Refinery has recently organized a SO2 leak evacuation drill, with the aim to further improve safety management, enhance employees’ effective handling and emergency response against SO2 leak.

Placed in real site, the drill simulated a major SO2 leak in acid plant affecting refinery processing area and adjacent areas. Safety Manager Wayne Basson formulated the drill plan, discussed with Refinery management and deployed specific tasks to Acid Plant, Coordination Office, ERT, CA and site Clinic respectively.

With a long siren going off, the drill started. As scheduled, Acid Plant simulated the leak incident, informed Coordination Office immediately and deployed isolation at site, waiting for ERT and Clinic rescue. Coordination Office then informed ERT and Clinic of the location and casualties. The ERT and the doctor had arrived at the site and rolled out their preparations. Soon, ERT entered the workshop to rescue the injured worker and fix the leak. Half an hour later, three short blasts of siren signified “All clear”, that is, the completion of the drill.

It was a site-wide drill. Non-key operators evacuated in time and in good order to the muster points while the key operators stayed at their posts to maintain operational integrity.

Notice was circulated among local communities prior to the drill to avoid unnecessary panic.

After the drill, HSE team discussed with participators about the defects in response and procedures and made some proposals. This drill is an exercise for all teams to cooperate and respond against contingencies, and improves staff’s safety awareness and emergency response capability.ployees and national employees will make further by overcoming obstacles and continue the remarkable success in 2018 in collective efforts.

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ERT members being cleaned after the drill