Seafarers who work on board MV Carrie last Thursday, March 12, 2019 conducted a safety drill at sea in which the launching a life-raft was conducted successfully.

The Ramu NiCo work vessel MV Carrie has over the years been providing very generous humanitarian assistance to locals from Rai Coast who face medical complications. Amongst MV Carrie’s outstanding help over the years was providing help for local motor boats during distress out at sea.The safety drill included correct procedures in wearing life-jackets, how to jump into the sea and the launching of the life-raft from MV Carrie.
A community leader from Ganglau village, Mou Bilang expressed his gratitude to Ramu NiCo for generous assistance over the years to the Rai Coast people during times of need and even during times of unforeseen incidences out in the open sea.