A Chinese medical team visited Ganglau aid post in Rai Coast district on 24th January to conduct free clinic and examination for local residents.

Patients were checked through an arrangement and support by Ramu NiCo.
More than 100 patients, mostly adult men and women, from villagers near Ganglau aid post and Ramu NiCo’s Basamuk processing plant walked to the facility to receive the free medical examination and treatment by the China medical team.
This visit to Ganglau aid post is the first ever for the rural health facility and saw villagers, including men and women with illnesses turnup for free medical checks and were given prescribed medicine to take home.
The China medical team after conducting its charity clinic presented several boxes of medicine to the aid post.
On 26th January, the medical team went to Madang General Hospital , where they made a donation of over K20,000 worth of medical drugs to the hospital.
The China team was welcomed at the Modilon General Hospital by the Acting Chief Executive Officer, Sr. Galug Sual and Dr. Kiap, along with senior medical team of the hospital.
The team was lead by Dr He Weiyang, a professor of the first affiliated hospital of Chongqing Medical University. All of the team members are also from Chongqing, a city in south-west China.

China medical team attending to a patient at Ganglau clinic

China Medical team at Ganglau aid post after charity clinic on Wednesday