In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, the refinery held a karaoke singing. Many the Chinese and PNG employees actively participated in this competition, making it a huge success.

VP Wang Baowen, BSK management and the Chinese medical team attended the gala. Before the start of the competition, Mr. Wang sent New Year’s greetings to the employees of the refinery, highlighted the achievements of the company in the past year, and encouraged all employees to continue their efforts to strive for greater progress in the new year.
A total of 13 contestants participated in the competition. Doctor Xie from the Chinese Medical Team was attracted to sing a moving song to express her good wishes to all Chinese and nationals at the Refinery. After fierce competition, Mr. Han Zhanyi from the Acid Plant won the first prize of this competition with his wonderful performance and impassioned singing.
This competition not only invigorated the refinery’s New Year atmosphere, but also provided a platform for the employees to express themselves and added vitality to the cultural life, promoted cultural exchanges between China and PNG and consolidated the friendship between Chinese and national employees.

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