A high level delegation from the Highlands Pacific Limited and Behre Dolbear Australia (BDA) visited Ramu NiCo Project in Madang on February 5, 2019.

The visiting team comprised of consultants in mining, metallurgical, geology and environmental protection.
The delegation met with VP Zhao Deqian at KBK Mine  and VP Wang Baowen at Basamuk Refinery respectively where they discussed the production and operation of the project.
The team visited KBK Mine on February 5 where they were met by Deputy General Manager, James Bent who introduced the process flow of the mine  followed by a visit to the Hydro Sluicing Area, Machinery Mining Area, Washing Plant and Beneficiation Plant. The team was accompanied to these plants by the Executive Deputy General Manager, Li Bentao.
The team visited Basamuk Refinery the next day, where they were met by Vice President Wang Baowen and General Manager Bill Hill.
Mr. Hill introduced the basic process flow of the Basamuk Refinery to the delegation, and the operation achievement in 2018 and the plan for 2019. The delegation then took a tour around the refinery accompanied by Mr. Hill and DGM Jack Jia. They visited the critical areas like HPAL, CCD, product packing, Acid Plant, limestone Plant, DSTP and the lab. The delegation discussed with Mr. Hill and Mr. Jia in detail about the operation and technical process. After the visit, DGM Jack Jia gave a detailed presentation about the process control, equipment and environmental protection issues.
The team highly appreciated the company’s achievements of last year and congratulated the company on its successful operation.