On February 4, 2019, the Spring Festival Eve, VP Wang Baowen and BSK management team visit all employees who were still on duty, contributing to production during the Spring Festival. It took almost 2 hours to greeting all the staffs on site.

VP Wang and Bill Hill shook hands with the staffs and presented gifts to them. VP Wang visited the main control system, monitoring facilities, etc., asked the production status during the Spring Festival, and on behalf of the company sent the New Year’s greetings to all of them and thanked for their contribution.

VP stressed that there were fewer staffs on-site during the Spring Festival, and all plants must organize orderly to ensure production safety. The staff on duty expressed their gratitude and was greatly encouraged. They said that they will strictly abide by the duty system and earnestly fulfill their responsibilities to ensure production safety during the Spring Festival.

Group photo with employees on duty