The Raibus Group of Companies made the cheque presentation on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at the Madang Resort to four landowner area companies which included KBK Ltd, Maigari Limited, Wass Matau Limited and Basamuk Enterprises, who are shareholders in the Raibus Group.

Chairman of Raibus Group, Steven Saud acknowledged Ramu NiCo for being a good business partner in providing them the business opportunities through various contracts in the project.
The presentation was made in the presence of Ramu NiCo Management Ltd, Vice President Wang Baowen, MRA Coordinator Carter Oiee, Madang Deputy Provincial Administrator Marcus Kachau, Madang Provincial Mines Director John Bivi, the four LOA chairmen Tobby Barre from Kurumbukari LOA, Peter Tai of Inland Pipeline (Maigari), Jeffrey Gamrai of Coastal Pipeline LOA and Sama Melambo of Basamuk LOA.
Mr. Saud said since Raibus Group is a unifying umbrella company it was created for the purpose of unifying the Ramu Nickel Project area landowners, and by doing so provide the security and confidence to the developer Ramu NiCo (MCC) so it can conduct its business in a more secured and friendly atmosphere so that landowners benefit from the Mine.
The Raibus Group managed to bring landowners from the two districts of Usino-Bundi and Rai Coast district together in working with the developer and the government for the purpose of the Ramu NiCo Mine to transfer benefits to the landowners.
“Despite many challenging issues raised at many stakeholders meetings over the years MCC had been so far a good business partner to our landowners since the mine came into operation,” Mr. Saud said.