Ramu NiCo shows its corporate responsibility when it deployed its Volvo mining trucks to transport rocks and gravel from its Kurumbukari Mine to help in back-filling a severe damage of the Madang-Ramu highway near Iguruwe.

The Yai creek section of the Madang-Ramu Highway was severely damaged by flooding and landslip destroying the road causing halt to traffic flow along the national road for several days.
Earlier this week, Ramu NiCo visited the site at Yai Creek at Iguruwe and decided that large gravel and rocks from the mine site be transported down do assist in back-filling the damaged area since the soil and materials that were used previously were not suitable and were easily washed away during rains.
Ramu NiCo (MCC) had earlier fixed several sections of the Madang-Ramu highway including back-filling and placements of gabion baskets with rocks to prevent landslips along the vulnerable sections of the highway.
Ramu NiCo (MCC) considers the Madang-Ramu highway as an important road link in the transportation of goods and services and movement of people.
The Company work force also use the road to travel to and from Madang after their work shifts to visit families and friends in town.