On March 14, RAMU NiCo has set a remarkable history in the mining industry in the country when it paid over K2.3 million from its royalty to churches and women groups in its project impacted areas.

Mining Minister Johnson Tuke, presented the cheque to the church and women rep, said the Ramu NiCo Project has indeed set the record  in making specific payment royalty payment to churches and women, which no other mines in the country had done previously. Madang Governor, Peter Yama and the Vice President of Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited, Mr. Wang Baowen attended the ceremony.

Over five hundred women representing the four zones in the project converged on to the Smugglers Inn to witness the ceremony. The ceremony was witnessed by the Managing Director of MRA, Jerry Garry, Chairman of KBK Landowners Association, Tobby Barre, the Madang provincial administrator, Joe Kunda and officials from the MRA and the National Planning Department.