On December 31, 2018, Mr. Xu Jian, Vice President of RNML and Mr. Bill Hill, RMW of BSK Refinery visited employees sticking to their duties at HPAL Plant, Neutralization Area, Acid Plant, Limestone Plant and other areas.
Xu Jian and Bill Hill presented gifts to the employees as well as sent New Year’s greetings on behalf of the company. Xu Jian emphasized everyone enhance the awareness of safe production to minimize safety hazards and eliminate incidents.
Xu Jian expressed his gratitude to all frontline employees for all their great contribution to production safety, and challenged them to continue their hard-work and dedication during the festival season to ensure safe and stable production. After visit, all employees were greatly inspired and said that although they could not spend the festive time with their families, they were very thankful to the company and would try their best to meet production and safety targets.
Group photo with employees on duty