On May 22nd, the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce (CECC) in PNG was held in POM. Gao Yongxue, President of Ramu NiCo, was invited to the meeting. Mr. Xue Bing, the Chinese Ambassador to PNG, and Mr. Liu Linlin, the Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy attended and addressed the meeting.

The meeting passed the resolution on the election proposal of the Chamber of Commerce. President Gao Yongxue was elected as the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Liu Linlin encouraged the  Chamber of Commerce to work from a strategic, long-term and realistic perspective, and unite all members to jointly shape the development of the economic and trade relations between China and PNG.

ANZ, international SOS and the Chinese Medical Team to PNG were also invited for sharing their industrial insights.

ANZ sharing information on investment