September 16th is the Independence Day of Papua New Guinea, which is a very important day for the country. To celebrate the event, the national employees in KBK Mine organized a series of activities including a marching parade, a flag-raising ceremony, singing national anthem and pledge as well as prayer. The celebration activities were organized under tremendous support and assistance from KBK Mine management.

The parade team consists of Seventh Day Adventist Church Youth and Ramu NiCo employees. At 5:30am, followed by some company employees, the two-row team departed the main gate of accommodation, marched along the main road of camp and arrived at the square on the east of mess, where the flagpole was set up.

At 6:00am, with the sunrise, the flag-raising ceremony commenced, four flag-bearers stepped toward the flagpole slowly and firmly. Then the national anthem started as they attached the flag on the pole, all PNG nationals present at the ceremony started singing along the music, staring at the flag raising under the morning glow. After that, people pledged under the national flag, sang a church chant and prayed together.

The staff representative Mr. Arnold, the chief engineer of Mobile Equipment Maintenance Plant, delivered an inspiring speech about the development of the country, the importance of education, he also highlighted the benefit that the communities received since MCC arrived in Kurumbukari to develop the laterite deposit, which improved local employment, income, the living condition of locals and so on. Arnold appealed everyone to be thankful to the company, respect and understand each other, work and study harder so that they can contribute to the development and prosperity of PNG.

Another two staff representatives Mr. Aris and Mr. Sobbie also appreciated the effort of the organizers and expected the company to continue to support and assist the ceremony in the future. Mr. Peter, security superintendent and event organizer, said that Independence Day is a very important festival and this celebration in KBK Mine is the first of its kind, he spoke highly of the company’s valuable support.

Ramu NiCo has been operating in PNG for over a decade, and has always been practicing the slogan of “One Ramu NiCo, One Community” to maintain cordial relationship with local residents, bolster social and economic development of project impacted areas, as well as contribute significantly to the development of PNG.

Flag-Raising Ceremony at KBK

Flag raisers marching