Ramu NiCo’s investment in the country is for the long term benefit of all stakeholders with the vision, mission and goal to deliver tangible benefits to landowners.

Company VP, Mr. Wang Baowen shared his vision during the signing of the three years contract between Ramu NiCo and Raibus Engineering Ltd. Mr. Wang signed on behalf of Ramu NiCo and Brodney Seip, General Manager of REL signed on behalf of the landowner company.

The three years extended contract now caters for 44 staff to work under REL in providing Camp Service. The work category include cleaning and housekeeping, kitchen and maintenance work.

“Our hope is to see our landowner companies grow bigger and stronger, open up to other markets and fly our flags.” Mr. Wang Baowen said.

Ramu NiCo established these landowner companies since 2006 with seed capitals to engage principal landowners to participate in spin-off business opportunities from Ramu NiCo’s investments. These companies today employ more locals and purchase goods and services from within Madang and other parts of the country.

Photo of all the participants