Basamuk refinery has recently organized manpower and equipment to carry out a major upgrade of the road from the refinery to Gawa river towards Madang direction, which aims to provide a safer and more convenient pass for local residents.

The CA team communicated with villagers first before starting the work to understand their demands so as to establish the work plan in liaison with staff from Limestone Processing Plant.

In the past, the road used to be narrow, high bushes and grasses stood on both sides of the road, which impeded the vision of vehicle and pedestrian and caused risks for road safety. To solve this problem, two loaders were dispatched to remove the bushes and grass, and widened the road to both sides.

In addition, some part of the road was rugged and rough, which jolted the vehicles and passengers severely, an excavator was tasked to dig out the hard rocks and level the surface, which made it more comfortable for driving as well as much safer for pedestrians to walk on.

Work safety was emphasized throughout the whole task, CA officers and supervisors from Limestone Processing Plant were on site all time to ensure safety standards adhered to and alert people entering the road.

Basamuk Refinery always strive to meet demands from local residents to improve their living standard, which was highly appreciated by project impacted communities.

Road construction underway