Post Courier December 30, 2020

A NEW fresh food market was opened for trading on December 19, a few days before Christmas, at Basamuk in Rai Coast district of Madang province.

The new market is located at Kokou, which is situated opposite the Basamuk Ramu nickel mine accommodation camp’s gate.

In the past, the old market used to be under a big rain-tree with a huge crown, which exposed vendors to dangers.

In order to eliminate risks and provide a safe and clean trading place for the locals, it was proposed by the Basamuk community affairs department office and the Basamuk refinery management to build a new vegetable market.

The construction of the new market took nearly 10 months to complete. The market was finally opened before Christmas, which presented a great Christmas gift both for the community residents and company employees. Wang Changjiang, president assistant and general manager of the Basamuk refinery, delivered a speech, thanked all the staff who had contributed to the construction and opening of the market.

The landowner’s representative and the Basamuk district member expressed their appreciation to the company for its significant contribution to the development of the local community. The market is a mutually beneficial project which not only provides a safe and clean place for locals, but the sale of community crops as well as the daily purchase by the company employees.

He said the construction of the new market demonstrated the company’s corporate image of taking social responsibilities and practicing the concept of “One Ramu NiCo, one community”, which would greatly enhance the friendly relationship between Chinese and PNG nationals.

Fresh vegetables on sale at the new market at Basamuk

Fresh fruits on sale at the new market at Basamuk