Loop PNG August 3 , 2022


Post Courier August 8 , 2022

Communities in the impacted areas of the Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine were given a chance to undergo various trainings in the extraction process.

Ramu NiCo has so far trained and employed locals in the impacted areas to work in various fields that doesn’t need specific qualifications.

The Kurumbukari Mine, in July of 2022, recruited 22 locals, 18 to run and operate the Volvo Articulated Dump Truck (ADT A4OE) and four for excavator trainings from the surrounding communities in the impacted zone.

Their training started on Thursday 7th July, 2022 and will continue until all the apprentices fully pass the training and are familiarized with the functions of the vehicle.

The 18 trainees started off with their T – 1 training at the mine pit and will continue to do their T- 2 training (800 hours on the job training) and will later be verified based on their competency before joining the work force as qualified Volvo ADT A40E truck operators.

These 22 locals selected were from the four major clans around the Kurumbukari Mine site, based on the memorandum of understanding (MOA) between Ramu NiCo and landowners.

Recommendations for trainings and employment are made by village leaders in the impacted zone of the Ramu NiCo project.

Under this program each clan leaders affiliate with the Company’s Community Affairs Office send locals fit to work in various fields.

General Manager of Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine, Mr. Joseph Umare said the job/employment opportunity for the mine is given back to the locals as priority.

“Ramu NiCo had been a major contributor of employment to landowners living in the impacted areas around the Kurumbukari Basin, especially in the Usino Bundi District and parts of Rai Coast District. The company recruits 90 % of its employees from Madang Province with the remaining 10%, from other provinces,” Umare said.

He said the training will qualify them to work in the mine’s operations after they finish their T-1 and T-2 trainings respectively including a three (3) month probationary period.

Trainee Rex Minembo said, they are very happy to be accepted by the company.

“We are proud to wear the company uniforms and to learn how to operate the mine truck,” Minembo added.

Heavy Equipment Operator Trainer Mr. August Wakol said this was the biggest group of trainees compared to other trainings in the past.

Mr. Wakol, said the trainers follow their normal flow chart to train new trainees before they are qualified for work.

Jobs for locals