Post Courier October 10 , 2022

The National October 11 , 2022

MADANG Governor Ramsey Pariwalhas visited the Ramu NiCo Management Limited’s (RNML) headquarters in Madang last week Friday to discuss matters of significant importance to benefit the province while strengthening the relationship with the company, and working the RNML management.

Mr Pariwa while appreciating the contributions by Ramu NiCo said: “When doing business in Madang, I’d like to work with you (Ramu NiCo), let’s transform Madang.اhave a list of projects here. I want to partner with Ramu NiCo, I want to partner with China and let’s changeMadang. Let’s change Madangremembering that Madang, we offervou this mining.

He said he wants to seechangeand with Ramu NiCo’s presence in the province he firmly believes that the Madang provincial government can work in partnership with RNML and get greater support like that of the Chinese government.

RNML chairman Wang Zhou welcomed Mr Pariwa and his delegation and thanked the Madang provincial government for its long-term support.
He said MCC is the world’s largest and strongest metallurgicalconstruction contractor and metallurgical operation service provider and has undertaken the planning, exploration, design and construction of1the major production facilities of almost all large and medium-sized steel enterprises in China.

“In 2015, the strategic reorganisation of China Minmetals and China Metallurgical Group opened up the whole industrial chain channel from resource acquisition to exploration, design and construction, mining and mineral processing, smelting。and processing, trade and logistics,” Mr Zhou said.”

In 2021, the operating revenue of China Minmetals exceeded 850 billion RMB Yuan, with the total assets exceeding one trillion RMB Yuan.The scale of the enterprise is growing and the quality of development continues to improve.

Chairman Zhou pledged to work with the Madang provincial government and assist in any way possible to do more for the province and to attract more investment into Madang.

After being briefed on the company’s operations and its social contributions to not only the project impact communities but the province as a whole.

Further issues regarding pressing matters such as Rai Coast Road, chromite transportation and MOA review were also discussed.

All matters discussed will be looked into as both parties have agreed to work together and with respective stakeholders in ensuring that they be addressed as soon aspossible,improved or better done to benefit Madang province and Ramu NiCo as well.