A Chinese high profile delegation to Madang signals a friendly gesture for more development
apart from it’s facility the Ramu Nickel and cobalt mine.

The Chinese team was led by Chinese Ambassador, His Excellency Zeng Fanhua and accompa-
nied Ramu Nickel Chairman Wang Zhou.

Madang Governor Remcy Pariwa welcomed them and highlighted few infrastructure projects
in the country.

Mr. Pariwa said Chinese contractors have build the Kagamuga Togiba road and lalibu includ-
ing transforming Port Moresby city Roads before the APEC meeting.

“I want China to help my province too in terms of infrastructures.” he said

Mr. Pariwa said Madang is partner with the Chinese government because it housed the only
mining facility for China in the Pacific and the country.

“Let me say now you can put your money where your mouth is,” he said in a friendly gesture.
Mr. Fanhua replied to Mr. Pariwa saying more Chinese investments must be invited so that
more support can be given in terms of developments.

Post Courier Chinese delegation visits Madang governor Remcy Pariwa