A HIGH profile Chinese delegation to Madang signals a friendly gesture for more development apart from its facility the Ramu nickel and cobalt mine.

The team was led by Chinese Ambassador Zeng Fanhua (pictured right) and accompanied Ramu Nickel chairman Wang Zhou.

The Chinese delegation was made of agriculture, electricity experts and other possible investors and accompanied Mr Zeng.

During the visit, the delegation mentioned that the China bank would be set up in Port Moresby soon.

Mr Zeng, while introducing the delegation, suggested a possible establishment of a sister city relationship for Madang with one of its provinces in the People’s Republic of China.

Madang Governor Remcy Pariwa welcomed them and highlighted few infrastructure projects in the country that were constructed by Chinese contractors.

Mr. Pariwa said Chinese contractors have built the Kagamuga-Togoba road and Ialibu including transforming Port Moresby city roads before the 2018 Apec Meeting.

“I want China to help my province too in terms of infrastructures,” he said.

Mr. Pariwa said Madang-Ramu Bruce Jeffcott Highway is one road that needs to be transformed.

He said Madang is partnering with the Chinese government because it hosts the only mining facility for China in the Pacific and the country, which is the Ramu Nickel and Cobalt mine and has been generating more income from exporting the minerals.

Mr. Pariwa said Ramu Nickel had funded tertiary students from Madang through the Sir Peter Barter Foundation Scholarship program.

“With this assistance, the people in whole of Madang province can now feel the presence of Ramu Nickel and China.

“Let me say now you can put your money where your mouth is, ” he said.

Mr Zeng in response to Mr. Pariwa said more Chinese investments must be invited so that more support can be given in terms of development.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy had funded K300,000 for the construction of Erima Junior High School in December last year.

Mr. Zeng and a delegation escorted by Mr. Pariwa visited students, staff and parents at the school on Friday.

Mr. Zeng shoered the Erima Junior High School students with cartons of school stationeries.

School headmaster Samuel Main thanked Mr. Zeng and the people of China for supporting the school.

“With the presence of Ramu Nickel in our district Racoast, as a big Chinese investment in the Pacific, we can now see and feel China in our communities,” school treasurer Albert Pariwa said. Hundreds of students and parents gathered to witness the special event.

CHINESE Ambassador Zeng Fanhua and Madang Governor Remcy Pariwa pictured with students of Erima
Junior High School.