On Thursday, April 27, Erima Primary school came alive with a rousing reception of traditional dances by students to welcome the Chinese Ambassador to
Papua New Guinea, Zeng Fanhua and his delegation from the Chinese Embassy in Port Moresby accompanied by the Governor of Madang province, Ramsey Pariwa.

Governor Pariwa escorted Ambassador Zeng and his delegation to Erima Primary where he made a presentation of cartons of books to the school; and a
cheque of K300,000.

The school students and teachers and the Erima community expressed their appreciation and thanks to the Chinese government for the generous assistance
to help the future generation of PNG.

Ramu NiCo (MCC) is the Chinese government’s biggest mining investment in PNG and the South Pacific region. MCC is mining nickel and cobalt at the Kurumbukari mine in Usino-Bundi district while its processing plant and wharf facility is at Basamuk bay in Rai Coast district.

His Excellency Zeng met with the Chairman of Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited at the company’s headquarter in Madang town, before proceeding on to
meet Governor Pariwa.

Ambassador Zeng and Governor Pariwa had a lengthy discussion on how China could help Madang Province in areas of development, such as infrastructure,
education and agriculture.

Rai Coast school gets K300,000 assistance | Loop PNG

Erima primary school in Astrolabe Bay Local level Government in Rai Coast district received cartons of books and K300,000 from the Government of China to help construct an office complex.