A 2 year 5 months old baby girl needing urgent heart surgery in Port Moresby has received a timely assistance towards her surgery in Port Moresby this week, on Friday 23rd June from Ramu NiCo.

Considering the urgency in little Hazzel Kawai’s condition, the Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) wasted no time in assisting with K5, 000 cash towards the travel of young Hazzel, her mother Leah Wangi and the medical escort, Dr. Flocie Simai, despite the late notice.

Young Hazzel was born normal and was admitted for pneumonia when a heart murmur was picked up. Hazzel’s nature of illness is down syndrome before being diagnosed with a heart condition.

Madang Provincial Health Authority (MaPHA) Pediatrician and the medical professional who was at the forefront of young Hazzel’s condition, Dr. Tina Yarong said, “in 2021, Hazzel was lucky to have undergone the national screening for heart conditions and was diagnosed with a heart problem that is operable, some heart conditions cannot be operated on.”

Dr. Yarong said, Hazzel has a duct or tube between the blood vessels leading to her heart that usually closes at birth but for her case, didn’t close up. At the time her heart condition was made known, her weight was too low to undergo surgery hence, it was upon the doctor’s advice that her weight be brought up before she undergoes surgery. During the operation, that duct will be closed up.

Hazzel’s operation is scheduled on the 29th of this month upon regular consultations with doctors in Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) but has been postponed due to flight cancellations to Port Moresby from Madang.
Dr. Yarong said, Hazzel is believed to be operated on by the national cardiothoracic surgeons who have been under training with the Australian doctors of the same field.

“Hazzel’s condition is called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and the operation will see a duct ligation being done where the duct between the two big blood vessels leading to the heart is closed off so blood doesn’t travel through it,” Dr. Yarong said.

Upon arrival in Port Moresby, Hazzel will have to do a pre-operative assessment to ensure that all is well before her surgery.
Parents, Barth Kawai and Leah Wangi as well as the medical professionals involved in little Hazzel’s medical journey are optimistic that all goes well with the operation because Hazzel is currently in good health.

Mother Leah Wangi said “It is my hope that my baby will get through this and we will return home together.”

Hazzel’s mother who is a pay clerk with the MaPHA sought financial assistance from a few business houses in Madang after being told of the operation schedule on Monday 19th June.

Ramu NiCo was the first corporate organization to show support to Hazzel’s parents who are desperate to have their baby being operated on, on time.

Hazzel’s open heart surgery will be performed at the Port Moresby General Hospital and is free given that she is a child.

Ms. Wangi expressed her heartfelt sorrow for her baby when they first found out about Hazzel’s heart condition and said all she wants is for her baby to be alright.

Living up to the theme “One Ramu NiCo, One Community,” the Company management saw fit to assist such circumstances in ways it can because it is more so investing into the little girl’s future, said the Ramu NiCo Corporate Office General Manager, Mr. Charlie Hu.

Little Hazzel however returned home on the 15th of July because of an underlying condition that requires her to be on treatment for a year prior to her operation now scheduled for June 2024.

Hazzel with her mother and Ramu Nico’s Corporate Office general manager Charlie Hu

Group Photo after receiving the financial assistance from Ramu Nico