Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited under its corporate social responsibility as stated in the revised Ramu Nickel and Cobalt Project Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), provides much needed medical drug supplies to four health facilities within the Project impact areas.

These health facilities encompass Ileg in Astrolabe Bay of the Coastal Pipeline, Ganglau Health Centre near Basamuk in the Rai Coast District, Usino Health Centre in Usino station within the Inland Pipeline area and Enekuai Health Centre in Kurumbukari in the Usino Bundi District of Madang Province.

Since inception in 2013, Ramu NiCo has assisted these 4 health facilities with medical drug supplies amounting to a total of approximately K819,610 in monetary value. This excludes supplies for the year 2019 where some discrepancies with the funding were identified.

Every three (3) months, all four (4) respective health facilities within the Project impact areas receive K5,000 worth of vital medical drug supplies from Ramu NiCo that are requested based on the demand or urgency of the drug to cure common illness by medical personnel from respective health facilities.

These medical services cover an approximate catchment population of 19,000 in the Astrolabe Bay of the Coastal Pipeline, 7,000 in Inland Pipeline of Usino Bundi District, 10,000 in Basamuk, of Rai Coast District and 10,000 in Kurumbukari of Usino Bundi District.

In line with MoA (2013) and the Socio-Economic Development Policy (SEDP), the Company has fulfilled its obligations in this area in terms of funding assistances given through the Medical Drug Distribution Scheme to health Centres within the mining impact areas.

All funding under the medical assistance scheme of the Ramu Nickel and Cobalt Project have been distributed accordingly that saw it assisting those in dire need of the drug supplies received but oftentimes, these facilities run out of supplies even after the drugs are distributed and are then being referred to the nearest hospitals or health facilities for further treatments. Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited is complimenting what respective health institutions are responsible to do in a timely manner.

This quarterly medical drug supplies over the years since inception in 2013, has benefitted a lot of people seeking medical attention within their respective catchment areas.