This year was the first time for Ramu NiCo Management ( MCC) Limited to participate in the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum’s Community Affairs  & Nation Content Conference and Expo with a full team of high-level Management Officers, an exhibition booth, and a Landowner Association of the projects corridor to participate.

The recently hosted conference in Lae Morobe Province has brought more interest for people who visited the booth on how the company operates from its two different geographical locations in Madang Province ( Usino Bundi District / Kurumbu Kari Mine and the  Rai Coast District / Basamuk Refinery) in Papua New Guinea.

Mr. Albert Tobe , deputy general manager of the Ramu NiCo’s Community Affairs Department, said that in recent years, the conference was titled Community Affairs Workshop, and he was the only one who attended.

He said, this year, the Chamber of Mines and Petroleum decided to change the name to PNG Community Affairs & National Content Conference & Expo (CANCONEX) has seen an opportunity for Ramu NiCo to fully embrace the occasion to also set up a booth and involved one of the successful Landowner Women’s Association from the Coastal Pipeline of the Ramu Nickel and Cobalt Project to participate in.

“The Ramu NiCo project consists of three major projects footprint in the Madang Province: the Kurumbukari Mine, the Refinery in Basamuk and the 135km slurry pipeline that connects the Mine and the Refinery. The area where the pipes lie is broken down into two separate zones which is called the Inland Pipeline and the coastal Pipeline Zone along the footprint of the mine,” Tobe said.

He said the Ramu Nickel Project is the largest Chinese investment in Papua New Guinea and it is owned by China Minmetals Corporation, popularly known in the country as China Minmetals.

The deputy general manager of the Community Affairs said the project is located in the Madang Province and is the only nickel and cobalt mine operating in the country apart from other mines in the industry.

Prior to the event, this year marks the first year for the company to fully establish a booth in a national mining event that brings more attention from students and other industry players who asked questions on how the mine operates, the mineral that is extracted, and the processing of the mineral at the refinery.