A ceremonial Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Coastal Pipeline Women’s Association (CPLWA) held   on December 4th, 2023, which attended by Ramu NiCo, zone’s Committees and registered members of the CPL Area in Astrolabe Bay Local-level Government of Raicost District in Madang Province.

The Ramu NiCo Project is composed of three major projects in Madang Province, the Kurumbukari Mine, the Basamuk Refinery and the 135km slurry pipeline connecting the Mine and the Refinery.

The area where the pipes lie is divided into two separate zones, Inland Pipeline Zone and Coastal Pipeline Zone along the pipeline.

As the country is experiencing the advent of the Christmas season, the victorious CPLWA held their AGM with the Ramu NiCo’s officers in Lalok village along the coast of Astrolabe Bay of Raicost in Madang Province of Papua New Guinea.

The event started with a warm welcome song and dance of village women leading the delegates for the AGM program.

The event marked the end of the year program and the celebration of the Outstanding Award won by CPLWA at the Community Affairs and National Content Conference and Expo (CANCONEX) in Lae, Morobe Province that the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum organized in August 2023.

The Award was based on the fact that the women were unwavering in making their royalty benefit worth by doing community projects that impact their lives.

CPLWA’s Chairlady, Ruth Kamai said CPLWA is very delighted to see and have such a good turnout especially the presence of Ramu NiCo’s officers, and it is different from the previous AGMs.

“Because of the work CPLWA does gives a great turnout today,” said the Chairlady.

Deputy General Manager of Ramu NiCo’s Community Affairs Department, Eric Kuman said he heard about the victory of CPLWA before he came and joined Ramu NiCo.

“Ramu NiCo’s name hit CANCONEX, the award that you won beat women from other impact areas, so you should be proud of yourself.” said Kuman, ”We are looking forward to working closely with CPLWA and others in the Ramu NiCo’s Impact Areas to do more. “

CPL Land Owner Association (LOA) treasurer, Philip Mado said CPLWA is doing great with the   royalty benefit and there is more to be done and the women need to work together with bright ideas.

Kaliku Ward 5 councillor, Thomas Yanam said representing the voice of his people, he really appreciates CPLWA’s AGM for the good of his people to observe and learn something from the program.

“The presence of Ramu NiCo coming down to our village and sharing the knowledge helps us to have a clear understanding to do something different and unique,” said Thomas. “I am also thankful to CPLWA for the excellent work they have done and wishes them good luck to continue to do excellent work in the communities. “

Eventually, the event was successfully held and ended with a kaikai. The CA, CPLWA, LOA, village women and CPL Communities were happy and looking forward to working together with greater plans and commitment for next year and the years to come with RNML.


Group photo – MCC’s Community Affairs Team, CPLWA and the community

During welcome, Community Affairs Deputy General Manager- Eric Kuman (left), CA Team and CPLWA

CPLWA’s Chairlady, Ruth Kamai (right) holding Award won from CANCONEX in Lae.