A long serving employee of Ramu NiCo, Adolf Longa says he loves the work he does and that kept him in the company for past 14 years.

Adolf Longa completed diploma in Mechanical Engineering at Lae Polytech and joined the Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited (RNML) in Madang on the 1st of June 2010.

He is now the deputy superintendent of the Fixed Plant Department at Ramu NiCo’s Basamuk Refinery.

“I love my work and enjoy my work that kept me for 14 years and counting,” Mr Longa said.

Fixed Plant is one of the maintenance division that looks at all electrical and mechanical parts of Industrial Plants that is at present in the refinery.

God has opened a door for him soon after completion of college.

He grabbed with both hands and he never let it go of any day without being counted in his tireless efforts to the company.

Because he loves the first job which he dreamed of, he loves doing that job and that brings him more happiness in his work-life for the past 14 years at Basamuk Refinery at Rai Coast District, Madang.

He said he joined the refinery with six other different colleagues from the college.

Four of them were mechanical graduates while three were electrical.  All of them left the company either through termination or moved elsewhere within two years.

He came into the company during the construction phases where there were too many Chinese.

Almost all his work colleagues were Chinese.

Communication was a real hindrance to put him down because Chinese at that time seldom understand and speak English.

That was the great challenge putting him down to the bottom of quitting the job.

However, he used general drawings that helped him to communicate with them and get most of the jobs done for day.

He worked hard with passion. He was promoted to supervisor fix plant in 2015 until last year he was further lifted.

He is now the deputy superintendent for Fixed Plant Department having more than fifty nationals working under him.

A photo of Adolf in his office at Basamuk Refinery