A landowner clan within the Ramu NiCo Project footprint bought a new 15-seater bus in Madang on Friday 31st of May as an asset for their clan to venture into Small and Medium Enterprise (SME).

The money used to purchase the bus was a long term investment portion of the Ramu NiCo royalty to the clan.

Saya clan hailed from Ward 13 in the Astrolabe Bay LLG, Raicoast District and it is one of the clans belonging to the Ramu NiCo Management ( MCC ) Limited’s ( RNML) Coastal Pipeline Landowner Association (LOA)  and is among three other LOA  ( Kurumbukari LOA,  Inland Pipeline LOA and Basamuk LOA) in Madang Province that usually benefit annually from the Ramu NiCo royalty.

Saya Clan leader Pelengo Samambu said the clan invested a portion of their royalty for 2023 and purchased the bus that would assist in the delivery of medical supplies and attend to emergencies; assisting students to schools in Madang town, and more importantly the bus would be on hire basis.

“We are aiming to engage with the business houses in Madang town for them to hire and use the bus to collect money,” Mr Pelengo said.

He said without the support of Ramu NiCo, his clan would not be able to afford the bus and other benefits such as sponsoring their children to tertiary institutions and rehabilitating school infrastructures, providing medical assistance for their clinic and assisting agriculture and SME programs.

Mr. Samambu encouraged other landowner groups in the Ramu NiCo project areas to use their royalties wisely and engage in sustainable SMEs or businesses that would generate maximum benefit for their people. He believes that it was essential to think about the future and what they could do now to ensure their prosperity lasting for a  long time.

He said this investment is a step forward for the clan to secure a better future and provide assistance to their clan members.

Saya Clan leader Pelengo  Samambu (right) receiving the key for the new 15-seater bus  from Madang Ela Motors  Sales Agent  (right ) before taking the bus for its first drive into the village. ( back row/ Saya Clan Representatives )