Ramu NiCo in Madang has purchased building materials to maintain the Enekwai Aid Post that serves more than 3,000 people in the influenced area of Kurumbukari Mining Project .

The aid post was first constructed by Ramu NiCo in 2011. It has been serving and helping the people in Enekwai for many years and needs to be renovated  now.

Ramu NiCo’s Community Affairs Officer David Kurame said Ramu NiCo purchased building materials for the aid post maintenance which would be completed by the end of next week.

“The lifesaving facility in the heart of the mining project will be used for helping people again when the maintenance finished,” Kurame said.

With the closure of the Danagari Aid Post at the foot of the Kurumbukari mountains, Enekwai Aid Post becomes the only aid post serving more than 3,000 people at Kurumbukari.

Community Health Worker Nick Nasa said Ramu NiCo is the only management entity administering the affairs of the aid post. “Ramu NiCo is also the only entity that is providing medical drugs for the aid post quarterly.”

Currently Mr Nasa is employed by Ramu NiCo to save lives for the people living in the project-influenced area.

“Ramu NiCo has provided services like road links, schools and other infrastructures for the Enekwai people of Kurumbukari,” he said.

Enekwai Community Health Worker Nick Nasa serving a patient near his house while the aid post was under maintenance